Automatic country detection
To make our user experience run even smoother we’re using an automatic country detection on our page. This function is needed in order to select the correct currency, checkout options and shipping solution. Please advise that if you are using a proxy solution to browse this setting may be corrupt and we may not be able to process your order if the wrong checkout is used for your country.
For countries outside the EU this function will also remove the VAT from all prices/orders. You will be asked to pay your VAT before delivery by your national border control service.
Villkor för Sverige
För våra Svenska kunder hittar du våra allmänna villkor här nedan.
Terms for Norway
To read our terms for Norway before you place your order. Just click here and you will be transfered to the correct section.
Terms for Germany
To read our terms for Germany before you place your order. Just click here and you will be transfered to the correct section.
Terms for Finland
To read our terms for Finland before you place your order. Just click here and you will be transfered to the correct section.
Terms for Denmark
To read our terms for Denmark before you place your order. Just click here and you will be transfered to the correct section.
Villkor för Sverige
För våra Svenska kunder hittar du våra allmänna villkor här nedan.
Vi på Boardlife har ambitionen att alltid ge hög service till våra kunder, och därför arbetar vi efter nedanstående köpvillkor. Vid frågor kontakta oss gärna. Du måste acceptera dessa köpvillkor när du genomför ett köp på är ett varumärke som ägs av bolaget Boardlife AB (556815-4370), det innebär att detta också är varumärkets juridiska person.
Genomföra en beställning
När du hittat en eller flera produkter du är intresserad av lägger du dem i din varukorg. Från varukorgen väljer du sedan att gå till kassan. Du får efter ordertillfället en orderbekräftelse per e-mail. Skulle du inte fått något mail efter lagd order kan du kontrollera att det inte hamnat i din skräpkorg.
När paketet packats och lämnat oss markerar vi den som slutförd och godkänner köpet hos Klarna. För dig som valt att betala med faktura är det först nu som din Faktura skapas och skickas till den mail du angivit vid ordertillfället. Efter detta dröjer det några dagar tills du har paketet hos hos ditt närmaste postombud. Du får en SMS-avisering då paketet finns att avhämta.
Är du tveksam ring 036-44 00 570.
Leverans sker till ditt närmsta postkontor eller utlämningsställe via en så kallad Service Point. Du får ett sms till det mobilnummer du angivit vid beställningen när paketet finns att hämta.
Är varan slut i lager kontaktar vi dig. Normal leveranstid från Boardlife inom Sverige är 3-6 arbetsdagar till ditt lokala utlämningsställe. Vill du hämta dina varor själv går det givetvis bra och då kan du få dem snabbare. Om en beställd vara är restnoterad, meddelar vi dig beräknad leveranstid för att godkänna senare leverans eller makulera beställningen. Om leveranstiden skiljer avsevärt mellan olika varor kommer vi att dela upp din leverans.
OBS! Till vissa orter, samt för gods som körs ut av lantbrevbärare tar det en dag extra. Leveranstider utanför Sverige varierar beroende på land.
För frakt tillkommer en fast avgift på 59 kr för Postpaket via DHL till din närmaste Service Point (om du inte väljer hämta i butik, då är det givetvis gratis). Välj önskat leveranssätt i din varukorg innan du går vidare till kassan och bekräftar köpet. Efter överlämnande av gods till speditör ansvarar denne för paketet innan överlämning/kvittering sker av dig som mottagare.
Hämta order i butik
Om du vill undvika fraktkostnad och få den snabbaste leveranstiden kan du välja ”Hämta i butik” när du befinner dig i din ”varukorg” på vår site. När ordern är godkänd i Klarna kan du hämta ordern nästa gång vi har öppet (se våra aktuella öppettider här).
Spåra paket
För att spåra ditt paket på bästa sätt rekommenderar vi dig att använda appen Mina Paket. Där kan du följa alla paket som någon skickar till dig via DHL, MTD, Instabox, Bring och Budbee. Alltså inte bara från oss utan kanske från fler ställen du handlar ifrån. Appen utgår från det telefonnummer du registrerar vilket innebär att du kan följa alla försändelser där detta telefonnummer angivits för avisering. Genialt enkelt och smidigt.
Om du inte använder appen kommer du ändå få avisering så fort ditt paket kommit fram.
Skulle du inte fått ditt paket inom utsatt tid är du givetvis välkommen att kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig att lokalisera paketet.
Outlösta paket
För alla paket som inte hämtas ut inom 14 dagar (räknat från den dag du fått SMS-aviseringen) går ditt paket automatiskt tillbaka till oss. Vi förbehåller oss då rätten att debitera kund 400 SEK för ytterligare fraktkostnader och extra administration av ordern. Din order makuleras samtidigt och överskjutande belopp betalas tillbaka av Klarna.
Skulle ordersumman inte uppnå ett totalbelopp på 400 SEK görs ingen återbetalning alls av ordern.
Då paketet nått oss igen är ordern stängd och vill du ha varan på nytt behöver du lägga en ny order med ett nytt ordernummer.
Alla priser är i SEK inkl moms. Priset som gäller är det som är angivit den dag kunden gör sin beställning. Eventuella fraktkostnader redovisas innan kunden bekräftar köpet. Vi reserverar oss för ev. prisjusteringar kan ske.
På kan du välja mellan flera olika betalningsmetoder. Välj den metod och leverans som passar dig bäst när du kommer till kassan, innan du bekräftar köpet. Minderåriga (under 18 år) får ej genomföra köp utan målsmans godkännande.
Vi accepterar idag en rad olika betalsätt och vi samarbetar med Klarna för dessa betalmetoder. Det innebär också att efter genomfört köp är det Klarna som äger en ev. fordran på er (om köpet inte redan betalats med direktbetalning eller kort).
Vi tar de vanligaste betalkorten t ex Visa, Master/Eurocard m.fl. Kortbetalningen sker över en säker uppkoppling med SSL-kryptering och förmedlas via tjänsten Klarna Checkout.
Klarna Konto
Betalsättet för dig som själv vill välja hur mycket du betalar varje månad. Men Klarna konto är mer än så. Förutom att du alltid får hem dina varor innan du betalar, samlar du alla dina köp på ett konto. Detta gäller även om du har handlat i flera olika butiker via Klarna konto. Det betyder en enda faktura, oavsett antalet köp.
Klarna Faktura
Handla nu – betala efter leverans! När du betalar via Klarna faktura handlar du tryggt och enkelt. Du behöver aldrig uppge dina kortuppgifter, och betalar alltid efter att du fått hem dina varor.
Direktbetalning via internetbank
Säker direktbetalning sker via din internetbank och du behöver kunna logga in/legitimera dig via banken för att bekräfta transaktionen.
Vi har valt att plocka bort postförskott från vårt urval av leveransmetoder då den kostar köparen 50 SEK extra. Du kan istället välja att köpa via faktura och då kan du dessutom betala varan efter att du fått den. Skulle du ändå vilja beställa mot postförskott kan du kontakta oss för manuell orderläggning. Postförskott innebär att du betalar din vara när du hämtar ut den på ditt postombud.
Kontant betalning
Om du önskar betala ett köp kontant hänvisar vi dig till vår butik. Där kan du betala ditt köp med kontanter, kort eller Swish. För att se våra öppettider kan du klicka här.
För frakt tillkommer en fast avgift på 59 kr för Postpaket, oavsett vikt. Välj önskad betalningsmetod och leveranssätt vid kassan, innan du bekräftar köpet.
Om en beställd vara är restnoterad, meddelar vi dig beräknad leveranstid för att godkänna senare leverans eller makulera beställningen. Om leveranstiden skiljer avsevärt mellan olika varor kommer vi att dela upp din leverans.
Om varan kommer bort eller att du vid mottagandet upptäcker att försändelsen är transportskadad, ska du omedelbart anmäla detta på ditt utlämningsställe.
Retur & Reklamation
Notera att vår returadress och avsändaradress är olika. Vid händelse av retur, använd följande adress (glöm inte att läsa vad som gäller innan du returnerar en vara till oss):
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
Om en vara är felaktig, defekt eller felexpedierad bör du kontakta vår kundtjänst och skapa ett reklamationsärende.
Felaktig eller skadad vara ska reklameras inom 14 dagar. Gäller reklamationen en transportskada, läs nedan om transportskador.
Vid återsändelse av en felaktig eller skadad vara (ej transportskador) står butiken för frakten och eventuell ersättningsleverans. Varan ska återsändas väl emballerad och i originalförpackning med bifogad beskrivning av felaktigheten. Om varan skadas eller kommer bort då du återsänder den är du betalningsansvarig.
Om varan kommer bort eller att du vid mottagandet upptäcker att försändelsen är transportskadad, ska du omedelbart anmäla detta på utlämningsstället. OM du tar emot varan utan att anmäla detta godkänner du försändelsen och ansvar övergår då till dig som konsument från speditören. Därför är det viktigt att notera alla skador direkt på plats. Upprättande av skadeanmälan görs alltså där du hämtar ut ditt paket.
Förutom reglerna i Distansavtalslagen tillämpar butiken en utökad ångerrätt på 60 dagar från mottagandet, utan att ange någon anledning. Varan måste returneras i oanvänt skick och i originalförpackning. Vi accepterar inte ångerrätt på produkter som är uppackade eller använda eftersom kund då godkänt varan.
Kontakta oss på [email protected] om du är osäker på om du kan returnera din vara. Köpesumman återbetalas i sin helhet senast 30 dagar efter det att vi har återfått varan. Du som kund står själv för returfrakten. Retur får inte ske som postförskott eller efterkrav.
Om du valt att betala din order med faktura bör du kontrollera att förfallodatumet för betalning inte passeras innan vi hunnit få tillbaka varan, godkänt returen samt hunnit kreditera den. Risken är att du i annat fall får onödiga påminnelseavgifter. Se i så fall till att betala fakturan inom utsatt tid så får du tillbaka köpesumman så snart vi godkänt returen.
Slutförsäljning förbehåller sig rätten till ändring av all information, inklusive men ej begränsat till priser, tekniska specifikationer och produkterbjudanden, utan föregående avisering. Vid eventuell slutförsäljning till uppgivet pris eller p.g.a. att ett försäljningsobjekt utgått, har rätt att häva köpet och återbetala eventuella inbetalda belopp på bästa sätt. skall också meddela kunden om ersättande eller likvärdigt försäljningsobjekt finns tillgängligt.
Force Majeure
Butiken är befriad från påföljd för underlåtenhet att fullgöra viss förpliktelse i detta avtal om underlåtenheten har sin grund i befriande omständigheter enligt nedan och omständigheten försvårar, förhindrar eller försenar fullgörandet.
Såsom befriande omständighet ska anses vara bl. a myndighets åtgärd eller underlåtenhet, nytillkommen eller ändrad lagstiftning, konflikt på arbetsmarknaden, blockad, strejk, brand eller översvämning, sabotage eller olyckshändelse av större omfattning. I force majeure ingår också myndigheters beslut som påverkar marknad och produkter negativt, t ex restriktioner, varningar, försäljningsförbud etc.
Vi använder oss av som hosting provider för vår webbplats. Webbsäkerhet är något vi skattar högt. Genom aktivt realtidsskydd på webbplatsen bevakar vi den 24/7 för potentiella angrepp och försök till intrång. säkerhetsskydd
Personuppgifter och GDPR
Som besökare på vår webbplats samlas/sparas vissa uppgifter om dig eller ditt besök. Det är bland annat följande uppgifter:
- Webbläsarcookies
- IP-adress
- Geografisk placering
- Köphistorik
- Maildresser
- Betalning & Personnr.
Alla användare har rätt att få sina uppgifter borttagna eller justerade med reservation att vi fortfarande måste följa Svensk bokföringslag.
För att veta mer om hur, när, varför och var denna data samlas redogör vi allt nedan.
För att bättre kunna serva dig som besökare använder vi oss av cookies. Dessa används bland annat för att du ska kunna ha kvar produkter i din varukorg om du inte slutfört ett köp eller spara dina uppgifter i vår kassa om du är en återkommande besökare. Denna information sparas i din webbläsare och du kan själv välja att radera detta mellan dina besök i webbläsarens inställningar och historik.
Om du väljer att interagera med oss via vår chatt synliggörs ditt IP-nummer för oss. Detta beror på att vi kan se land och ort på den vi chattar med. Den kopplas ihop med den mailadress du anger. Vi ser även information om vilken webbläsare eller typ enhet du använder för att kunna hjälpa dig att ev. felsöka problem du stöter på. För varje chatt sparas ett transcript ihop med denna information. Denna information lagras på vårt konto hos Zendesk ( som är vår leverantör av tjänsten på obestämd tid. Denna information exporteras inte vidare till annan tjänst eller plats. Notera att din mail endast kopplas ihop med ditt IP-nummer om du väljer att chatta med oss. På din begäran kan vi radera tidigare chatthistorik om dig och på så vis rensa både tidigare IP-nummer och mailadresser.
Google Analytics
Vi använder oss av webbplatsanalys genom verktyget Google Analytics. Det hjälper oss se statistik från hur besökarna använder siten. All information som samlas under ett besök skickas till vårt säkrade konto hos Google. Denna information skrivs inte ut eller på annat sätt dokumenteras i andra sammanhang. Lagringsperioden för data som är kopplad till cookies, användaridentifierare eller annonsidentifierare lagras i 38 månader. Därefter raderas denna typ av information.
Som ett led i vår kundklubb använder vi oss av nyhetsbrevstjänsten MailChimp. Om du önskar att få våra nyhetsbrev kan du enkelt skriva upp dig på vår site. Din mail sparas då på Mailchimps servrar. Mailchimp är idag en av de allra största leverantörerna av nyhetsbrevstjänster. De värderar säkerhet och integritet högt. Om du inte längre vill fortsätta få våra brev kan du enkelt avskriva dig. Mailchimp håller ordning på avskrivna adresser. Din adress kommer alltså sparas i deras system endast för att säkerställa att du av misstag inte får några fler mail. Dessa adresser kommer inte att på annat vis användas.
Betalning & Personnummer
Då du genomför ett köp hos oss lagras information om dig och din order. Denna information är Adress, mail, telefonnummer och orderinnehåll. Detta för att kunna hantera köp och ge support på tidigare köp. Denna information lagras av bokföringsmässiga skäl och på obestämd tid i vårt e-handelssystem. I samband med ny order skickas också samma information som du får på ditt bekräftelsemail till vår orderplock för att de ska kunna administrera din order. Du kan på begäran kräva ett utdrag av denna information och vi kan radera din mail från order i efterhand. Dock kommer vi efter detta inte längre kunna hjälpa dig med supportärenden gällande tidigare köp.
Övriga personuppgifter hanteras aldrig av oss utan direkt med Klarna som hanterar vår betallösning via tjänsten Klarna Checkout. Vi aldrig se eller komma åt kortuppgifter eller personuppgifter som du skriver i samband med genomförandet av ding order.
Vi säljer till hela EU och Norge och vid händelse av order utanför EU säljs varorna utan svensk moms. Vid köp från annat EU-land betalas svensk moms som vanligt. Har ni VAT-nummer så maila oss för mer info.
Vi reserverar oss för eventuella skrivfel och ändringar av tekniska data som är utanför vår kontroll.
Risker med brädsporter
Alla former av brädsporter kan skada dig lindrigt eller mycket allvarligt. Vi på uppmanar och rekommenderar utan undantag att du använder skyddsutrustning och läser varningstexter innan du använder våra produkter. Vi på Boardlife vill att du skall leva ett långt och skönt brädliv utan skador, därför uppmanar vi dig att vara fullt upplyst med de risker som medföljer i användandet av brädprodukter. Vi har nu varnat dig och frånsäger oss också allt ansvar då du använder och åker på våra produkter.
Terms for Norway
Make sure you’ve read all our terms before placing your order from us. If you have questions don’t hesitate to drop us a message.
On Boardlife we always strive for the absolutely best support and ambition. We don’t just view this as a business, this is our passion and lifestyle. Therefore we valuate personal support high.
In order to process an order you need to accept these terms.
Company info is our brand name and our company name Boardlife AB.
Make an order
Always review your order in your cart before checkout. We’re currently using Klarna as our checkout solution for Germany. After completing your purchase in Klarna Checkout you will receive an e-mail from us confirming your placed order. If not, please double check your spam folder.
Excluding VAT for orders outside EU
All orders outside EU will be sold excluding VAT. This will be subtracted from all orders automatically on our page by identifying your browsing country. You will be asked to pay the tax amount by your national border control before the the order is successfully delivered to your nearest post office.
We’re using DHL to carry our goods around Europe. The shipment will be using DHL Parcel Connect, which means it will be shipped to your nearest post office or post service store. This will be selected automatically, corresponding to your nearest DHL Parcel Connect provider.
Estimated delivery time are around 4-7 days if the shipment are transfered accordingly.
In order to be noticed when your order has arrived at your nearest post office we need your phone number.
Shipping cost
Shipping cost for Norway are a flat rate of around 270 NOK. You could always make bigger orders with friends in order to save more on the shipping cost.
Track your shipment
We’re currently working with our live tracking solution. In the meantime you will have to accept all oro confirmations we send you after full filling your order and sending it out.
If your package hasn’t arrive within the time span we strive for you are definitely free to contact us and we will help localizing your shipment and it’s current status.
Not collected orders
If you don’t pick up your package within 2 weeks after arrival at the post office it will be automatically sent back to us. For all orders returning back to us we will charge a fee of 800 NOK to cover for our shipping cost and additional administration. Once the order is returned back to us it will be closed. If you want to make a similar order you will have to place the order again to receive a new order number.
Prices for non EU countries are displayed excluding VAT. Due to currency rates our prices may change weekly.
Since we’re using Klarna Checkout you will be offered a number of options to pay for your order.
Damaged goods
In case your goods shows up damaged you need to repport this immediately at the post office, who will help you file a repport.
Return Policy
Note that our return address and shipping address are different. Make sure you send your return to the following address (make sure you read all about our routines before proceeding):
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
If you discover something inaccurate in your order. It can be wrong delivered items, defective or in other ways don’t match your order you should contact us and file a report. If the goods are damaged upon transportation you need to repport this at your post office since it’s something DHL are responsible for. In order for us to proceed we need a damage repport ticket number which you will receive from DHL.
All complaints to us are to be reported within 10 days.
Once we have accepted your complaint we will help you sort it out and get the correct or new goods you need.
Return/Regret order
Of course you can regret your order and ship it back to us if you want. You have 30 days to make up your mind about an order you have received. If you decide to return it you need to make sure it hasn’t been used or has any broken seals. The stuff you want to return should be unused, packed really well and returned to us. Please enfold a copy of your delivery note. That way we can associate you with the correct order.
Return address
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
Once the order gets back to us we will examine it and once we see it hasn’t been used or damaged, you’ll be fully refunded the product cost within 20 days after we receive it.
If you have made your purchase using invoice or part payment be sure to pay it within the due date in order to minimize the risk of being charged for additional fees from Klarna connected to a pushed due date. Remember that the complete product cost will be refunded to you once we have examined the returned goods.
Out of stock
Please be advised that prices and stock levels change daily and sometimes stuff are going out fast. Boardlife reserves the right to cancel an order if we’re sold out or if we in any way can’t fulfill your desired order. Of course we will notice you if we discovers something wrong with your current order status.
Force Majeure
Our store cannot take responsibilities for any bigger cause of events that could inflict your order. These types of events could be law changes, strikes, nature catastrophes, floods, fires and war.
It also includes sudden changes in governmental restrictions to import or goods.
Hosting solution & Security
Our servers are located and managed by
We rate security high and uses a number of realtime protectors in order to maintain your security on our page.
In order to use our page we need to borrow a number of things from you concerning integrity.
Some info could be collected. It could for example be:
- Cookies
- IP-address
- Geo Location
- Purchase history
- Mail address
- Payment and credentials
All users have the right to request what info we have about them or have them deleted upon request. We still need some of your order data in order to follow Swedish tax laws. Below you will find more info about what info we have about you.
We’re using cookies to better handle your visit at our shop and to remember the things you put in your cart. If you don’t want to have the cookie on your computer you can easily discard it by deleting or flushing your cookies in your browser.
We only register IP in our chat widget IF you decide to initiate a chat with our support. This is to locate your country and also to connect returning visitors to previous chats. Our chat is managed by Zopim which stores all chats in transcripts on their servers. The email you decide to use when initiating a chat with us are also stored in our history. Don’t worry we will not collect them in any way and they will to be connected to the history and to connect previous chats with the same email.
Geo Location
Since we’re serving different countries our site use your IP to determine in which country you’re currently browsing from. This info will change the currency settings on the page and also redirect you to the correct checkout. Your IP are not stored in any way.
Google Analytics
Our site uses Google Analytics to track statistics about how the visitor acts and behave. The info is viewed in a general matter and no integrity data is exported elsewhere. Time of storage connected to cookies, user identifier and ad identifier is stored in a maximum of 36 months before this data is automatically flushed.
MailChimp is our newsletter service. You are free to sign up at the bottom of our page. Your email will only be stored in MailChimps servers and not exported elsewhere. If you lated decide to unsubscribe you email will not automatically be deleted but instead be restricted and blocked from further/future emails. This procedure is to ensure unsubscribed users remain protected from new emails.
Credentials & Payment info
Once you complete a purchase from us some info will be stored along with you order info. All info regarding sensitive information about social security number and credit card info will solely be handled by our checkout solution Klarna. We have no access to this info and it will not be stored on our servers in any way.
The only thing we will store on our servers is your Name, email, address, telephone and order content to be able to serve you as a customer. This info will be stored due to Swedish account Act. If you still want to remove your history of data you can contact us with a request and we will help you discard your personal data in order to remove your personal info attached to your orders.
Export and VAT
When we’re selling to Norway we are selling to a country outside the EU. That means that we will be selling goods without VAT included in the prices.
Please note that some product info could be wrong and our prices are constantly changed due to campaigns and currency changes.
Safety first
Please advise that all kinds of board sports are performed at you own risk. It could inflict serious injuries if you don’t fully protect yourself or if you don’t regard other form of risks like traffic, environment and other riders. Be sure to carefully regard the risk and use our product as recommended. We cannot take responsibility for personal injuries.
We just want you to live a happily and healthy ”Boardlife”.
Warmest regards
Terms for Germany
Make sure you’ve read all our terms before placing your order from us. If you have questions don’t hesitate to drop us a message.
On Boardlife we always strive for the absolutely best support and ambition. We don’t just view this as a business, this is our passion and lifestyle. Therefore we valuate personal support high.
In order to process an order you need to accept these terms.
Company info is our brand name. Our company are named Boardlife AB.
Make an order
Always review your order in your cart before checkout. We’re currently using Klarna as our checkout solution for Germany. After completing your purchase in Klarna Checkout you will receive an e-mail from us confirming your placed order. If not, please double check your spam folder.
We’re using DHL to carry our goods around Europe. The shipment will be using DHL Parcel Connect, which means it will be shipped to your nearest post office or post service store. This will be selected automatically, corresponding to your nearest DHL Parcel Connect provider.
Estimated delivery time are around 4-7 days if the shipment are transfered accordingly.
In order to be noticed when your order has arrived at your nearest post office we need your phone number.
Shipping cost
Shipping cost for Germany are a flat rate of 11-12€. You could always make bigger orders with friends in order to save more on the shipping cost.
In case you order electric boards there will be an additional fee of 5€ due to additional weight and DHL charges.
Track your shipment
We’re currently working with our live tracking solution. In the meantime you will have to accept all oro confirmations we send you after full filling your order and sending it out.
If your package hasn’t arrive within the time span we strive for you are definitely free to contact us and we will help localizing your shipment and it’s current status.
Not collected orders
If you don’t pick up your package within 2 weeks after arrival at the post office it will be automatically sent back to us. For all orders returning back to us we will charge a fee of 70€ to cover for our shipping cost and additional administration. Once the order is returned back to us it will be closed. If you want to make a similar order you will have to place the order again to receive a new order number.
All our prices are VAT included. There will be no additional tax added to your order once it reach the border of Germany. Due to currency rates our prices may change weekly.
Since we’re using Klarna Checkout you will be offered a number of options to pay for your order.
Damaged goods
In case your goods shows up damaged you need to repport this immediately at the post office, who will help you file a repport.
Return Policy
Note that our return address and shipping address are different. Make sure you send your return to the following address (make sure you read all about our routines before proceeding):
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
If you discover something inaccurate in your order. It can be wrong delivered items, defective or in other ways don’t match your order you should contact us and file a report. If the goods are damaged upon transportation you need to repport this at your post office since it’s something DHL are responsible for. In order for us to proceed we need a damage repport ticket number which you will receive from DHL.
All complaints to us are to be reported within 10 days.
Once we have accepted your complaint we will help you sort it out and get the correct or new goods you need.
Return/Regret order
Of course you can regret your order and ship it back to us if you want. You have 30 days to make up your mind about an order you have received. If you decide to return it you need to make sure it hasn’t been used or has any broken seals. The stuff you want to return should be unused, packed really well and returned to us. Please enfold a copy of your delivery note. That way we can associate you with the correct order.
Return address
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
Once the order gets back to us we will examine it and once we see it hasn’t been used or damaged, you’ll be fully refunded the product cost within 20 days after we receive it.
If you have made your purchase using invoice or part payment be sure to pay it within the due date in order to minimize the risk of being charged for additional fees from Klarna connected to a pushed due date. Remember that the complete product cost will be refunded to you once we have examined the returned goods.
Out of stock
Please be advised that prices and stock levels change daily and sometimes stuff are going out fast. Boardlife reserves the right to cancel an order if we’re sold out or if we in any way can’t fulfill your desired order. Of course we will notice you if we discovers something wrong with your current order status.
Force Majeure
Our store cannot take responsibilities for any bigger cause of events that could inflict your order. These types of events could be law changes, strikes, nature catastrophies, floods, fires and war.
It also includes sudden changes in governmental restrictions to import or goods.
Hosting solution & Security
Our servers are located and managed by
We rate security high and uses a number of realtime protectors in order to maintain your security on our page.
In order to use our page we need to borrow a number of things from you concerning integrity.
Some info could be collected. It could for example be:
- Cookies
- IP-address
- Geo Location
- Purchase history
- Mail address
- Payment and credentials
All users have the right to request what info we have about them or have them deleted upon request. We still need some of your order data in order to follow Swedish tax laws. Below you will find more info about what info we have about you.
We’re using cookies to better handle your visit at our shop and to remember the things you put in your cart. If you don’t want to have the cookie on your computer you can easily discard it by deleting or flushing your cookies in your browser.
We only register IP in our chat widget IF you decide to initiate a chat with our support. This is to locate your country and also to connect returning visitors to previous chats. Our chat is managed by Zopim which stores all chats in transcripts on their servers. The email you decide to use when initiating a chat with us are also stored in our history. Don’t worry we will not collect them in any way and they will to be connected to the history and to connect previous chats with the same email.
Geo Location
Since we’re serving different countries our site use your IP to determine in which country you’re currently browsing from. This info will change the currency settings on the page and also redirect you to the correct checkout. Your IP are not stored in any way.
Google Analytics
Our site uses Google Analytics to track statistics about how the visitor acts and behave. The info is viewed in a general matter and no integrity data is exported elsewhere. Time of storage connected to cookies, user identifier and ad identifier is stored in a maximum of 36 months before this data is automatically flushed.
MailChimp is our newsletter service. You are free to sign up at the bottom of our page. Your email will only be stored in MailChimps servers and not exported elsewhere. If you lated decide to unsubscribe you email will not automatically be deleted but instead be restricted and blocked from further/future emails. This procedure is to ensure unsubscribed users remain protected from new emails.
Credentials & Payment info
Once you complete a purchase from us some info will be stored along with you order info. All info regarding sensitive information about social security number and credit card info will solely be handled by our checkout solution Klarna. We have no access to this info and it will not be stored on our servers in any way.
The only thing we will store on our servers is your Namne, email, address, telephone and order content to be able to serve you as a customer. This info will be stored due to Swedish account Act. If you still want to remove your history of data you can contact us with a request and we will help you discard your personal data in order to remove your personal info attached to your orders.
Export and VAT
When we’re selling to Finland we are selling to a another country within the EU. That means that we will be selling goods with Swedish VAT included in the prices.
Please note that some product info could be wrong and our prices are constantly changed due to campaigns and currency changes.
Safety first
Please advise that all kinds of board sports are performed at you own risk. It could inflict serious injuries if you don’t fully protect yourself or if you don’t regard other form of risks like traffic, environment and other riders. Be sure to carefully regard the risk and use our product as recommended. We cannot take responsibility for personal injuries.
We just want you to live a happily and healthy ”Boardlife”.
Warmest regards
Terms for Finland
Make sure you’ve read all our terms before placing your order from us. If you have questions don’t hesitate to drop us a message.
On Boardlife we always strive for the absolutely best support and ambition. We don’t just view this as a business, this is our passion and lifestyle. Therefore we valuate personal support high.
In order to process an order you need to accept these terms.
Company info is our brand name. Our company are named Boardlife AB.
Make an order
Always review your order in your cart before checkout. We’re currently using Klarna as our checkout solution for Finland. After completing your purchase in Klarna Checkout you will receive an e-mail from us confirming your placed order. If not, please double check your spam folder.
We’re using DHL to carry our goods around Europe. The shipment will be using DHL Parcel Connect, which means it will be shipped to your nearest post office or post service store. This will be selected automatically, corresponding to your nearest DHL Parcel Connect provider.
Estimated delivery time are around 5-8 days if the shipment are transfered accordingly.
In order to be noticed when your order has arrived at your nearest post office we need your phone number.
Shipping cost
Shipping cost for Finland are a flat rate of 15€. You could always make bigger orders with friends in order to save more on the shipping cost.
In case you order electric boards there will be an additional fee of 5€ due to additional weight and DHL charges.
Track your shipment
We’re currently working with our live tracking solution. In the meantime you will have to accept all oro confirmations we send you after full filling your order and sending it out.
If your package hasn’t arrive within the time span we strive for you are definitely free to contact us and we will help localizing your shipment and it’s current status.
Not collected orders
If you don’t pick up your package within 2 weeks after arrival at the post office it will be automatically sent back to us. For all orders returning back to us we will charge a fee of 70€ to cover for our shipping cost and additional administration. Once the order is returned back to us it will be closed. If you want to make a similar order you will have to place the order again to receive a new order number.
All our prices are VAT included. There will be no additional tax added to your order once it reach the border of Finland. Due to currency rates our prices may change weekly.
Since we’re using Klarna Checkout you will be offered a number of options to pay for your order.
Damaged goods
In case your goods shows up damaged you need to repport this immediately at the post office, who will help you file a repport.
Return Policy
Note that our return address and shipping address are different. Make sure you send your return to the following address (make sure you read all about our routines before proceeding):
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
If you discover something inaccurate in your order. It can be wrong delivered items, defective or in other ways don’t match your order you should contact us and file a report. If the goods are damaged upon transportation you need to repport this at your post office since it’s something DHL are responsible for. In order for us to proceed we need a damage repport ticket number which you will receive from DHL.
All complaints to us are to be reported within 10 days.
Once we have accepted your complaint we will help you sort it out and get the correct or new goods you need.
Return/Regret order
Of course you can regret your order and ship it back to us if you want. You have 30 days to make up your mind about an order you have received. If you decide to return it you need to make sure it hasn’t been used or has any broken seals. The stuff you want to return should be unused, packed really well and returned to us. Please enfold a copy of your delivery note. That way we can associate you with the correct order.
Return address
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
Once the order gets back to us we will examine it and once we see it hasn’t been used or damaged, you’ll be fully refunded the product cost within 20 days after we receive it.
If you have made your purchase using invoice or part payment be sure to pay it within the due date in order to minimize the risk of being charged for additional fees from Klarna connected to a pushed due date. Remember that the complete product cost will be refunded to you once we have examined the returned goods.
Out of stock
Please be advised that prices and stock levels change daily and sometimes stuff are going out fast. Boardlife reserves the right to cancel an order if we’re sold out or if we in any way can’t fulfill your desired order. Of course we will notice you if we discovers something wrong with your current order status.
Force Majeure
Our store cannot take responsibilities for any bigger cause of events that could inflict your order. These types of events could be law changes, strikes, nature catastrophies, floods, fires and war.
It also includes sudden changes in governmental restrictions to import or goods.
Hosting solution & Security
Our servers are located and managed by
We rate security high and uses a number of realtime protectors in order to maintain your security on our page.
In order to use our page we need to borrow a number of things from you concerning integrity.
Some info could be collected. It could for example be:
- Cookies
- IP-address
- Geo Location
- Purchase history
- Mail address
- Payment and credentials
All users have the right to request what info we have about them or have them deleted upon request. We still need some of your order data in order to follow Swedish tax laws. Below you will find more info about what info we have about you.
We’re using cookies to better handle your visit at our shop and to remember the things you put in your cart. If you don’t want to have the cookie on your computer you can easily discard it by deleting or flushing your cookies in your browser.
We only register IP in our chat widget IF you decide to initiate a chat with our support. This is to locate your country and also to connect returning visitors to previous chats. Our chat is managed by Zopim which stores all chats in transcripts on their servers. The email you decide to use when initiating a chat with us are also stored in our history. Don’t worry we will not collect them in any way and they will to be connected to the history and to connect previous chats with the same email.
Geo Location
Since we’re serving different countries our site use your IP to determine in which country you’re currently browsing from. This info will change the currency settings on the page and also redirect you to the correct checkout. You’re IP are not stored in any way.
Google Analytics
Our site uses Google Analytics to track statistics about how the visitor acts and behave. The info is viewed in a general matter and no integrity data is exported elsewhere. Time of storage connected to cookies, user identifier and ad identifier is stored in a maximum of 36 months before this data is automatically flushed.
MailChimp is our newsletter service. You are free to sign up at the bottom of our page. Your email will only be stored in MailChimps servers and not exported elsewhere. If you lated decide to unsubscribe you email will not automatically be deleted but instead be restricted and blocked from further/future emails. This procedure is to ensure unsubscribed users remain protected from new emails.
Credentials & Payment info
Once you complete a purchase from us some info will be stored along with you order info. All info regarding sensitive information about social security number and credit card info will solely be handled by our checkout solution Klarna. We have no access to this info and it will not be stored on our servers in any way.
The only thing we will store on our servers is your Namne, email, address, telephone and order content to be able to serve you as a customer. This info will be stored due to Swedish account Act. If you still want to remove your history of data you can contact us with a request and we will help you discard your personal data in order to remove your personal info attached to your orders.
Export and VAT
When we’re selling to Finland we are selling to a another country within the EU. That means that we will be selling goods with Swedish VAT included in the prices.
Please note that some product info could be wrong and our prices are constantly changed due to campaigns and currency changes.
Safety first
Please advise that all kinds of board sports are performed at you own risk. It could inflict serious injuries if you don’t fully protect yourself or if you don’t regard other form of risks like traffic, environment and other riders. Be sure to carefully regard the risk and use our product as recommended. We cannot take responsibility for personal injuries.
We just want you to live a happily and healthy ”Boardlife”.
Warmest regards
Terms for Denmark
Make sure you’ve read all our terms before placing your order from us. If you have questions don’t hesitate to drop us a message.
On Boardlife we always strive for the absolutely best support and ambition. We don’t just view this as a business, this is our passion and lifestyle. Therefore we valuate personal support high.
In order to process an order you need to accept these terms.
Company info is our brand name. Our company are named Boardlife AB.
Make an order
Always review your order in your cart before checkout. We’re currently using Klarna as our checkout solution for Denmark. After completing your purchase in Klarna Checkout you will receive an e-mail from us confirming your placed order. If not, please double check your spam folder.
We’re using DHL to carry our goods around Europe. The shipment will be using DHL Parcel Connect, which means it will be shipped to your nearest post office or post service store. This will be selected automatically, corresponding to your nearest DHL Parcel Connect provider.
Estimated delivery time are around 4-7 days if the shipment are transfered accordingly.
In order to be noticed when your order has arrived at your nearest post office we need your phone number.
Shipping cost
Shipping cost for Denmark are just 60-70 DKK(depending on current exchange rate). You could always make bigger orders with friends in order to save more on the shipping cost.
In case you order electric boards there will be an additional fee due to additional weight and DHL charges.
Track your shipment
We’re currently working with our live tracking solution. In the meantime you will have to accept all oro confirmations we send you after full filling your order and sending it out.
If your package hasn’t arrive within the time span we strive for you are definitely free to contact us and we will help localizing your shipment and it’s current status.
Not collected orders
If you don’t pick up your package within 2 weeks after arrival at the post office it will be automatically sent back to us. For all orders returning back to us we will charge a fee of 500 DKK to cover for our shipping cost and additional administration. Once the order is returned back to us it will be closed. If you want to make a similar order you will have to place the order again to receive a new order number.
All our prices are VAT included. There will be no additional tax added to your order once it reach the border of Denmark. Due to currency rates our prices may change weekly.
At this point Klarna Checkout only offers credit card payment for danish customers.
Damaged goods
In case your goods shows up damaged you need to repport this immediately at the post office, who will help you file a repport.
Return Policy
Note that our return address and shipping address are different. Make sure you send your return to the following address (make sure you read all about our routines before proceeding):
Boardlife AB
Nygatan 10B
If you discover something inaccurate in your order. It can be wrong delivered items, defective or in other ways don’t match your order you should contact us and file a report. If the goods are damaged upon transportation you need to repport this at your post office since it’s something DHL are responsible for. In order for us to proceed we need a damage repport ticket number which you will receive from DHL.
All complaints to us are to be reported within 10 days.
Once we have accepted your complaint we will help you sort it out and get the correct or new goods you need.
Return/Regret order
Of course you can regret your order and ship it back to us if you want. You have 30 days to make up your mind about an order you have received. If you decide to return it you need to make sure it hasn’t been used or has any broken seals. The stuff you want to return should be unused, packed really well and returned to us. Please enfold a copy of your delivery note. That way we can associate you with the correct order.
Return address
Nygatan 10B
Once the order gets back to us we will examine it and once we see it hasn’t been used or damaged, you’ll be fully refunded the product cost within 20 days after we receive it.
If you have made your purchase using invoice or part payment be sure to pay it within the due date in order to minimize the risk of being charged for additional fees from Klarna connected to a pushed due date. Remember that the complete product cost will be refunded to you once we have examined the returned goods.
Out of stock
Please be advised that prices and stock levels change daily and sometimes stuff are going out fast. Boardlife reserves the right to cancel an order if we’re sold out or if we in any way can’t fulfill your desired order. Of course we will notice you if we discovers something wrong with your current order status.
Force Majeure
Our store cannot take responsibilities for any bigger cause of events that could inflict your order. These types of events could be law changes, strikes, nature catastrophies, floods, fires and war.
It also includes sudden changes in governmental restrictions to import or goods.
Hosting solution & Security
Our servers are located and managed by
We rate security high and uses a number of realtime protectors in order to maintain your security on our page.
In order to use our page we need to borrow a number of things from you concerning integrity.
Some info could be collected. It could for example be:
- Cookies
- IP-address
- Geo Location
- Purchase history
- Mail address
- Payment and credentials
All users have the right to request what info we have about them or have them deleted upon request. We still need some of your order data in order to follow Swedish tax laws. Below you will find more info about what info we have about you.
We’re using cookies to better handle your visit at our shop and to remember the things you put in your cart. If you don’t want to have the cookie on your computer you can easily discard it by deleting or flushing your cookies in your browser.
We only register IP in our chat widget IF you decide to initiate a chat with our support. This is to locate your country and also to connect returning visitors to previous chats. Our chat is managed by Zopim which stores all chats in transcripts on their servers. The email you decide to use when initiating a chat with us are also stored in our history. Don’t worry we will not collect them in any way and they will to be connected to the history and to connect previous chats with the same email.
Geo Location
Since we’re serving different countries our site use your IP to determine in which country you’re currently browsing from. This info will change the currency settings on the page and also redirect you to the correct checkout. You’re IP are not stored in any way.
Google Analytics
Our site uses Google Analytics to track statistics about how the visitor acts and behave. The info is viewed in a general matter and no integrity data is exported elsewhere. Time of storage connected to cookies, user identifier and ad identifier is stored in a maximum of 36 months before this data is automatically flushed.
MailChimp is our newsletter service. You are free to sign up at the bottom of our page. Your email will only be stored in MailChimps servers and not exported elsewhere. If you lated decide to unsubscribe you email will not automatically be deleted but instead be restricted and blocked from further/future emails. This procedure is to ensure unsubscribed users remain protected from new emails.
Credentials & Payment info
Once you complete a purchase from us some info will be stored along with you order info. All info regarding sensitive information about social security number and credit card info will solely be handled by our checkout solution Klarna. We have no access to this info and it will not be stored on our servers in any way.
The only thing we will store on our servers is your Namne, email, address, telephone and order content to be able to serve you as a customer. This info will be stored due to Swedish account Act. If you still want to remove your history of data you can contact us with a request and we will help you discard your personal data in order to remove your personal info attached to your orders.
Export and VAT
When we’re selling to Finland we are selling to a another country within the EU. That means that we will be selling goods with Swedish VAT included in the prices.
Please note that some product info could be wrong and our prices are constantly changed due to campaigns and currency changes.
Safety first
Please advise that all kinds of board sports are performed at you own risk. It could inflict serious injuries if you don’t fully protect yourself or if you don’t regard other form of risks like traffic, environment and other riders. Be sure to carefully regard the risk and use our product as recommended. We cannot take responsibility for personal injuries.
We just want you to live a happily and healthy ”Boardlife”.
Warmest regards