Timber Flamingo Deck Only

Timber Flamingo Deck Only

Det ursprungliga priset var: $202,91.Det nuvarande priset är: $149,86. exkl. vat

Handgjord freestyle/dancer bräda från Nederländerna. Timber Boards har varit uppskattade världen över och denna freestylebräda kommer vara en grym kompanjon i många år framöver. Timber Flamingo Deck Only är en lite längre bräda och passar perfekt både till dig som är old school och new school.

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Artikelnr: 143997 Kategori: Etikett:

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Timber Boards är handgjorda brädor från Nederländerna. Rosade världen över kan vi stolt presentera dessa brädor i Sverige. Timber Flamingo Deck Only är en lite längre bräda, perfekt för mångsidig dancing/freestyleåkning. Bra hållbarhet men också en skön naturlig flex. Utöver detta får du en bräda med bra längd, bredd och en sjukt tight pop på tail och nose. Timber Flamingo Deck Only är en perfekt mix mellan old school och new school och dina fötter kommer dansa som aldrig förr.


Original Description

THE long freestyle dancer.
For fanatic fast flamboyant footwork, folks find Flamingos Fabulous. Or Fantastsic. Or even flabbergasting. Is that a word? We don’t know. ‘Flamazing’ might be the right word to describe the feathery fowl. Fowl is another word for bird. Trust me, I looked it up.


With its length of 123cm (48.5 inch) the Flamingo provides an excellent balance between the old and new school dancers currently on the market. This bird has a lot of space to fulfill all your board walking needs while still being versatile from a freestyle point of view.


This lean, mean dancing machine has a quite narrow feeling to it. Having a waist of 23cm (9.05 inch) so the board does not tip over when doing some aggressive peter pans or chops. (+4 style points)


The concave on this board makes it rock steady when you dance either at the waist or at the stance. The shape of the board follows the concave in such a way that when you’re in your peter pan anywhere on the board it feels the same everywhere. Meaning more flow and stability for your fast dancing. The middle is totally flat. For about 8 centimeters of flatness gives this board a nice and responsive flex. Skate it on slow speeds and you get a controllable carve. Get up to some speed and the carve will be tighter and fluid.

Flat-Cave / Tub – Tub concave (more often heard just “tub”) describes a board with a flat center of the pan with the concave starting a set distance before the rails. This keeps feet flatter and in a more natural position, yet still allows for that needed leverage at the toes and heels.

Mechanical properties

Remember the old Flamingo? It didn’t have full bamboo yet. This one does. At these lengths full bamboo means the board will be hella flexy if you don’t reinforce the crap out of it. So we did. Bamboo is lighter, less ‘chippy’ compared to the first series’ wood: birch. It is very bouncy though. We still want it to be flexy just the right way. So with some testing we wound up with a rather complex set-up of 2 different kinds of carbon weaves, and 3 different kinds of glass weaves. Making this board one of the most complex of the series.
Features due to the lay-up:
• Snappy flex
• Three different flex options (Flex, medium and stiff)
• Light weight relative to size
• Full bamboo all the way, yay
• Double carbon fiber reinforced kicks
• Two tone wheelwells


80 to 83 centimeters is loooong. Well, maybe not THAT long. Just long enough to make this a true longboard dancer. Slow and steady carves are the result of this wheelbase length. But wait: you can go even longer! Now featuring the second wheelbase option for the Flamingo. Tip: Start with the outer wheelbase and move up when the kicks wear out.


Can now be made with 3 flex types. Flexy, medium and stiff. The flex is the right balance between mellow at cruise speed and snappy and active with loose bushings.


When the bolts end, it has a few centimeters of flatness. This has multiple advantages: The kick will have a natural feel when you place your foot all the way back, but allows for longer kicks. Longer kicks mean longer life for a freestyle board. Reinforced twice now, with in the top later double carbon. You read that correctly. Also, at the near bottom layer we added even more carbon. This kick will stay solid ‘till the end. Curving upward to a flat surface, this mellow kick is made for steady and high pops.


Featuring routed wheelwells for those tight turns. Makes the whole design come together.


Imagine a large boulevard with very smooth concrete and the sun is going down. Also, waves are hitting the beach. Now imagine a very drunk guy running right at you at full speed from about 200 meters. The left-to-right swinging he does? That’s how a flamingo skates. But then controllable.


Made by Lance Schmale. A minimalistic Flamingo in its second evolutionary form. People will know you ride a Flamingo. Finished with hardened bamboo and impregnated with epoxy to last longer.




Timber Boards

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